FertilityCareâ„¢ Practitioners are allied health professionals who have completed an intensive education program lasting at least 13 months. This program includes education phases and supervised practicums in which the Practitioner Intern receives hands-on experience teaching the Creighton Model System. At the end of the program, prospective Practitioners must sit for a day-long certifying exam. This process results in highly-educated professionals qualified and ready to assist women and couples in learning and implementing the Creighton Model System of FertilityCareâ„¢.
Elizabeth Grayson, MAT, CFCP, FCEI
Responsible Practitioner
Elizabeth holds a Master of Arts in Teaching and has completed the education and training program to become a FertilityCareâ„¢ Practitioner. Additionally, she has reached the highest level of certification, earning her the title of Certified FertilityCareâ„¢ Practitioner. She has been teaching Creighton since 2017 and is the founder of Rays of Light FertilityCareâ„¢ Services. She is currently accepting new clients and meets one-on-one Mondays through Thursdays in the evening both virtually and in person.
She can be reached through the Contact page.

Kylie Shaffer, MA, FCP
Kylie holds a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology and has completed the education and training to become a FertilityCareâ„¢ Practitioner. She has been teaching Creighton since 2020. She is currently accepting new clients and meets virtually Monday - Wednesday evenings.
She can be reached directly at kshaffer.fertilitycare@gmail.com.

Rebecca Sheehan, PT, DPT, FCPI
Rebecca holds a Masters of Science and Doctorate in Physical Therapy. She has been teaching Creighton since 2024. She is currently accepting new clients and meets in person.
She can be reached directly at rebeccafertilitycare@gmail.com.
Elizabeth's Creighton Story
Creighton has been such a gift to my husband and me! It has truly strengthened our marriage and increased our appreciation for our fertility and the life that can be created by our union. Charting allowed us to identify previously unknown health issues of mine, and NaPro has assisted in supporting the health of our three greatest gifts: our children.
When my husband and I got engaged, we knew that we wanted a method of family planning that would be natural and would respect the dignity of women, marriage, and families. As I began to research the different popular methods of Natural Family Planning, I became increasingly interested in the Creighton Model in particular due to the one-on-one nature of meetings and the medical applications of charting and NaPro Technology. I soon started meeting with my practitioner and quickly learned the system. After noticing some concerning biomarkers in my chart, my practitioner referred me to a NaPro doctor who quickly identified a hormone deficiency. This deficiency was causing me to have painful menses and could make it difficult for me to sustain a pregnancy once my husband and I were married and trying to achieve a pregnancy. I was able to easily receive the targeted treatment that was unique to my cycles before our marriage even began.
Since getting married, my husband and I have successfully used the system both to space pregnancies and to achieve four pregnancies thus far. In each of my pregnancies, I have required hormonal supplementation in order to maintain the pregnancy and ensure that I do not go into early labor. My husband and I credit Creighton and NaPro with the lives of our four children and with our ability to have four successful, full-term pregnancies.